You must have a valid credit card to borrow any library equipment. There will be a $5 flat charge to your credit card when initially checking out all equipment. Please call in advance to book equipment, as some items can be in heavy demand. The is a rental charge for some equipment.
Dell Laptop Computers
SLR Cameras
Wacom Large Screen Tablets for Graphic Designers, used with Photoshop Pro software
Projection screen, portable (Approximately 3ft by 5ft)
LCD projector (Usb-A, Usb-B, S-Video, VGA and HDMI compatible)
If renting the LCD projector, the renter signs an agreement and agrees to pay the replacement cost of $800.00 if the projector is lost or stolen.
If the projector is damaged, the renter agrees to pay full repair costs and a $20.00 processing fee.